Form definition 'System.OCUserForm' not found

OCUserForm edit

Kartik Kumar Perisetla
Title Graduate Student
Advisor or Class Instructor Prof. William Cohen ( Machine Learning Department, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University)
Research Project Description I am working under Prof. William Cohen on a component in NELL(Never Ending Language Learner) ecosystem that deals with Information Extraction that will add to reasoning power of Knowledge Bases. Algorithms I am working on need intense computational power and thus these algorithms are modeled using MapReduce paradigm. These basically work with the ClueWeb09, Wiktionary and Wikipedia corpus. Since the corpus is very big, we need to run this code on a shared OpenCloud cluster.
Links to relevant web pages, if any:
Links to related publications:
Topic revision: r3 - 09 Dec 2014, KartikPerisetla - This page was cached on 17 Dec 2024 - 23:42.

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