FAQ: How to submit Hadoop jobs to the Cloud Cluster Answer: Run following command under Linux shell of the login node, hadoop jar YourJar.jar YourClass CommandLi...
Monitoring Jobs in the Cloud Cluster from Web Browser * Set up your browser's proxy as explained in the Cloud Faq Job Status Page . * Click on the hadoop...
Project Contributor Not an actual user of this site, but a person devoting some of his/her time to contribute to the Foswiki Open Source project. ProjectContribut...
Quick Start Guide for the Cloud Cluster After having applied for an account and received your account information: 1 Log on to the cluster 1 Submit jobs fr...
The RegistrationAgent User This is a user used by Foswiki when it registers new users. This user has special access to write to , and does not need an entry i...
The UnknownUser User UnknownUser is a reserved name. If the UnknownUser appears, it is probably because author information for a topic could not be recovered, per...
Header of User Homepages Note: This is a maintenance topic, used by the Wiki administrator. The part between the horizontal rules gets included at the top of ever...
Cloud Cluster Users Meeting Date: 2010 10 19 Cluster Characteristics * Data Intesive Computing Cluster: Designed for large scale data processing workloads tha...
CMU Cloud Computer Cluster at the Parallel Data Laboratory The OpenCloud cluster was in service from 2009 through 2018. * PDL Cloud cluster overview covers t...