This is the DataForms definition for the structured form based data

see WebTopicEditTemplate for the TopicTemplate

Name TypeSorted ascending Size Values Tooltip message Attributes


One-line summary of Issue | | |
Summary text 85     M
| | label | | ---+++ Reported by WikiName of the reporter | | |
ReportedBy text 35 WikiGuest   M

Applies To

Select which area of development this applies to
AppliesTo select 1     M


  • Enhancement - the issue describes a WIBNIF (wouldn't it be nice if)
  • Low - the issue is non-critical, and is really more of an annoyance than anything else
  • Normal - this is probably a bug, but can be lived with
  • Urgent - really is a bug, and can't be lived with
Priority select 1     M

Current State

  • New - the issue has just been found, and hasn't been analysed yet, or there is new data about an existing issue.
  • Waiting for Feedback - the report was insufficient to analyse the issue, and more feedback is needed from the person named in the "Waiting For" field. Once the reporter has added feedback they should flip the state back to "New". If feedback is not received within 30 days, the issue will be discarded.
  • Confirmed - the issue has been analysed, and the priority has been confirmed (or changed) by a developer. The item can henceforth be classified regarding release blocking status etc. Someone needs to pick it up and fix it.
  • Being Worked On - the issue has been analysed, and is being worked on by the developer named inthe "Waiting For" field.
  • Waiting for Release - the issue reported has been fixed and is queued for release. See the TargetRelease field to see whether it is queued for the next patch, minor, or major release. If the reporter isn't satisfied with the fix, they should flip the state back to "New" and explain why.
  • Closed - the issue has been fixed to the satisfaction of the fixer, and has been through the "Waiting for release" state, and is now released to end users. If the reporter isn't satisfied with the fix, they should flip the state back to "New" and explain why. Note that bugs reported against new code (code that has not been released yet) or Extensions (Plugins etc) may jump straight to "Closed" without going through "Waiting for Release" first.
  • No Action Required - the issue was already fixed, or it's a duplicate, or a RTFM, or could not be reproduced and feedback was never received.

Please make sure there is an entry in the details explaining any state change.
CurrentState select 1     M

Waiting For

Use Main.UserName
  • If the Current State is "Waiting for Feedback" then this report is waiting for attention from the person named in this field.
  • If the Current State is "Being Worked On" that person is working on this problem (please do not set this on behalf of others! It should only be set by the person doing the work.) |
WaitingFor text 35      

Topic revision: r1 - 16 Oct 2013, ChuckCranor - This page was cached on 14 Mar 2025 - 09:16.

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