1. Chuck modified the emulab lib code that creates accounts to allow you to request a specific UID (before it always assigned the UID).

  1. I added a new config variable DISABLENEWUSER. If you set that to 1 it disables all web-based new account features of emulab.

  1. /root/bin/emuact-sync is the script that polls accounting info and syncs narwhal with it. eventually to run from cron, but i run it manually right now to keep an eye out for errors. should be run under "narwhal" account with "wap"...

-- MitchFranzos - 18 Jul 2015
Topic revision: r1 - 18 Jul 2015, MitchFranzos - This page was cached on 17 Mar 2025 - 13:21.

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