List of Benchmarks

Following are the list of File System benchmarks and corresponding concise results

Detailed imformation about the benchmarks, installation procedures and results can be found here. DetailedResults


mukuls@MUKUL:~/thesis/fsbench/fio-2.1.2$ fio --filename=/tmp/smr/sfs/a
--direct=1 --rw=randrw --bs=4k --rwmixread=100 --iodepth=100 --numjobs=16
--name=4ktest --group_reporting --size=15m

bw (KB/s) : min=20112, max=20432, per=6.22%, avg=20315.00, stdev=86.35
lat (usec) : 50=0.02%, 100=0.09%, 250=98.61%, 500=1.04%, 750=0.20%
lat (usec) : 1000=0.02%
lat (msec) : 2=0.01%, 4=0.02%


1.36 megabytes read (1.36 megabytes per second)

4.45 megabytes written (4.45 megabytes per second)

Filebench (webserver, webproxy, fileserver, createfiles, videoserver, varmail)

filebench> load webproxy

22815: 275.797: IO Summary: 39 ops, 3.900 ops/s, (1/0 r/w), 0.0mb/s, 76364us cpu/op, 5.7ms latency[videoserver]

filebench> load videoserver
22419: 103.953: IO Summary: 79231 ops, 7922.517 ops/s, (7922/0 r/w), 67.1mb/s, 0us cpu/op, 0.0ms latencycreatefiles

filebench> load createfiles
22149: 68.156: IO Summary: 149971 ops, 3946.296 ops/s, (0/1315 r/w), 20.5mb/s, 1043us cpu/op, 11.9ms latency

filebench> load varmail

21752: 38.385: IO Summary: 45399 ops, 4539.454 ops/s, (698/698 r/w), 16.0mb/s, 1613us cpu/op, 10.5ms latency

filebench> load fileserver

18464: 81.404: IO Summary: 17162 ops, 1716.054 ops/s, (154/315 r/w), 6.8mb/s, 1147us cpu/op, 42.6ms latency

filebench> load webserver

13832: 36.449: IO Summary: 63684 ops, 6365.331 ops/s, (2050/211 r/w), 31.8mb/s, 1364us cpu/op, 30.5ms latency


mukuls@MUKUL:~/thesis/fsbench/IOR/src/C$ ./IOR -b 4k -t 4k -o /tmp/smr/sfs/aa

Max Write: 3.04 MiB /sec (3.19 MB/sec)
Max Read: 8.61 MiB /sec (9.03 MB/sec)


mukuls@MUKUL:~/thesis/fsbench/IOR/src/C$ bonnie++ -d /tmp/smr/sfs/ -r 1 -s 2 -f -b -n 12

Version 1.97 ------Sequential Output------ --Sequential Input- --Random-
Concurrency 1 -Per Chr- --Block-- -Rewrite- -Per Chr- --Block-- --Seeks--
Machine Size K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP /sec %CP
MUKUL 2M +++++ +++ +++++ +++ +++++ +++ 1467 8
Latency 1399us 745us 131us 2812ms
Version 1.97 ------Sequential Create------ --------Random Create--------
MUKUL -Create-- --Read--- -Delete-- -Create-- --Read--- -Delete--
files /sec %CP /sec %CP /sec %CP /sec %CP /sec %CP /sec %CP
12 675 1 +++++ +++ 5652 5 1829 5 23211 19 5609 5
Latency 1776ms 2759us 12678us 347ms 1534us 60181us


mukuls@MUKUL:~/thesis/fsbench/tiobench-0.3.3$ ./ --dir /tmp/smr/sfs --numruns 2 --block 4096 --size 12
Run #2: ./tiotest -t 8 -f 1 -r 500 -b 4096 -d /tmp/smr/sfs -TTT

Sequential Reads

3.11.0-12-generic 12 4096 1 685.32 77.58% 0.010 0.34 0.00000 0.00000 883
3.11.0-12-generic 12 4096 2 ###### 153.6% 0.009 0.48 0.00000 0.00000 1004
3.11.0-12-generic 12 4096 4 ###### 269.8% 0.012 0.74 0.00000 0.00000 644
3.11.0-12-generic 12 4096 8 ###### 246.8% 0.028 5.37 0.00000 0.00000 418

Random Reads
3.11.0-12-generic 12 4096 1 166.32 30.56% 0.045 1.00 0.00000 0.00000 544
3.11.0-12-generic 12 4096 2 388.68 74.04% 0.038 0.92 0.00000 0.00000 525
3.11.0-12-generic 12 4096 4 549.69 151.2% 0.050 3.41 0.00000 0.00000 363
3.11.0-12-generic 12 4096 8 716.25 313.9% 0.072 11.43 0.00000 0.00000 228

Sequential Writes
3.11.0-12-generic 12 4096 1 43.38 18.74% 0.166 0.94 0.00000 0.00000 231
3.11.0-12-generic 12 4096 2 28.91 12.46% 0.318 589.96 0.00000 0.00000 232
3.11.0-12-generic 12 4096 4 94.66 87.68% 0.289 14.01 0.00000 0.00000 108
3.11.0-12-generic 12 4096 8 79.36 173.9% 0.678 9.66 0.00000 0.00000 46

Random Writes
3.11.0-12-generic 12 4096 1 35.04 20.10% 0.212 2.13 0.00000 0.00000 174
3.11.0-12-generic 12 4096 2 116.00 39.73% 0.120 16.85 0.00000 0.00000 292
3.11.0-12-generic 12 4096 4 100.20 88.68% 0.271 13.75 0.00000 0.00000 113
3.11.0-12-generic 12 4096 8 79.94 188.6% 0.697 15.70 0.00000 0.00000 42


mukuls@MUKUL:/tmp/smr/sfs$ ~/thesis/fsbench/fs_mark-3.3/fs_mark -D 10 -d . -N 10 -L 1 -s 4096 -t 10

FSUse% Count Size Files/sec App Overhead

32 10000 4096 844.6 393174

Flexible File System Benchmark

Total Results

860.03 Transactions per Second

Throughput Results
Read Throughput: 202KB/sec
Write Throughput: 2.83MB/sec



fwd=default,xfersize=4k,fileio=random,fileselect=random,threads=8, stopafter=100

Files created: 10000 500/sec

Directories created: 110 5/sec

Files opened for write activity: 10000 500/sec
Directory busy (mkdir): 4 0/sec
Directory may not exist (yet): 57 2/sec
Close requests: 10000 500/sec


Sectors Total IO/sec Total MB/s Avg IO resp time Max IO resp time
512b 100% read 500 28387.95 13.86 0.0345 25.7079
1000 31708.07 15.48 0.0309 20.0408
2000 30964.08 15.12 0.0316 23.2729
4000 30568.43 14.93 0.0321 24.2988
4K 100% read 500 30495.51 119.12 0.0321 26.0312
1000 30836.42 120.45 0.0318 34.1113
2000 29623.4 115.72 0.0331 44.2442
4000 30323.22 118.45 0.0323 18.2698


IO Size = 1024 bytes IO Size = 4096 bytes
File Size Time (sec) KB/sec Time (sec) KB/sec
Seq. Write 0.157 6258.281 0.055 18739.13
Seq. Read 0.033 31001.18 0.001 1565749.25
1MB Rand. Write 0.21 4878.885 0.055 18493.44
Rand. Read 0.003 385687.375 0.001 1532934.13
Re-read 0.001 749633.938 0 2174097.75
Seq. Write 0.306 6687.456 0.092 22323.44
Seq. Read 0.081 25218.881 0.002 1158371.13
2MB Rand. Write 0.264 7754.639 0.089 22943.95
Rand. Read 0.01 212712.922 0.001 1396998.63
Re-read 0.003 664503.562 0.001 2206896.00
Seq. Write 0.504 8123.245 0.129 31633.25
Seq. Read 0.115 35718.336 0.002 1703118.50
4MB Rand. Write 0.404 10129.111 0.128 32118.19
Rand. Read 0.008 501223.688 0.004 1132117.13
Re-read 0.006 665583.375 0.002 2121180.75
Seq. Write 0.905 9051.804 0.237 34613.16
Seq. Read 0.154 53108.59 0.006 1431417.13
8MB Rand. Write 0.909 9015.979 0.213 38437.71
Rand. Read 0.016 528005.188 0.014 604308.06
Re-read 0.016 526275.25 0.003 2594046.75
Seq. Write 1.68 9750.907 0.446 36734.766
Seq. Read 0.258 63496 0.008 2036291.25
16MB Rand. Write 1.827 8967.682 0.391 41877.324
Rand. Read 0.024 670486.125 0.007 2186866
Re-read 0.018 904693.562 0.007 2372086.25

PUMA: Purdue MapReduce Benchmarks Suite





CPU TIME SPENT(ms) = 34790


Tests were run for file-sizes: 10MB, 50MB, 100MB and 400MB.

Commandline: aio-stress -s <filesize> a1 a2 -u

10 M

thread 0 write totals (260.73 MB/s) 20.00 MB in 0.08s

thread 0 read totals (4507.55 MB/s) 20.00 MB in 0.00s
thread 0 random write totals (412.84 MB/s) 20.00 MB in 0.05s
thread 0 random read totals (3095.02 MB/s) 20.00 MB in 0.01s50M

[50 M]

thread 0 write totals (329.13 MB/s) 100.00 MB in 0.30s
thread 0 read totals (3430.06 MB/s) 100.00 MB in 0.03s
thread 0 random write totals (394.91 MB/s) 100.00 MB in 0.25s
thread 0 random read totals (5505.09 MB/s) 100.00 MB in 0.02s


thread 0 write totals (363.83 MB/s) 200.00 MB in 0.55s
thread 0 read totals (4412.28 MB/s) 200.00 MB in 0.05s
thread 0 random write totals (420.21 MB/s) 200.00 MB in 0.48s
thread 0 random read totals (5202.64 MB/s) 200.00 MB in 0.04s


thread 0 write totals (386.49 MB/s) 400.00 MB in 1.03s

thread 0 read totals (4923.99 MB/s) 400.00 MB in 0.08s
thread 0 random write totals (388.89 MB/s) 400.00 MB in 1.03s
thread 0 random read totals (5358.05 MB/s) 400.00 MB in 0.07s


thread 0 write totals (86.62 MB/s) 800.00 MB in 9.24s
thread 0 read totals (3198.81 MB/s) 800.00 MB in 0.25s
thread 0 random write totals (58.13 MB/s) 800.00 MB in 13.76s
thread 0 random read totals (4920.75 MB/s) 800.00 MB in 0.16s
Topic revision: r18 - 29 Oct 2013, AdityaJaltade - This page was cached on 14 Mar 2025 - 03:38.

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